Reactive video loops


Light and movement are the fundamental elements that hold the visual world together and shape our perception of reality. The dance of photons creates the images and scenes that we experience, transforming the intangible into the observable.

Philosophically, light can be seen as a symbol of knowledge and clarity, revealing the hidden and illuminating the unknown. Movement, on the other hand, represents change and the passage of time, embodying the dynamic nature of reality. Together, they form a continuous narrative that shapes our understanding of the universe.

In this context, Liquid Earth's Video Data-Packs are carefully designed by visionary artists invited to enrol their content on the platform. Each video sample encapsulates ancient alien symbols that react accordingly to the audio inputs, contributing to the creation of immersive visual atmospheres and adding a layer of imagetic poetry to the Soundglyphs.

This synthesis of light, movement, and sound allow users to explore the infinite possibilities of creative expression while always rewarding the artists.


Considering music as one of the most efficient means of communication and as a tool to pro-efficiently develop unique memory connections, Liquid Earth’s audiovisual pieces are designed to be combined in order to inspire the co-creation of a soundscape interactive environment.

Visionary artists invited to join Liquid Earth’s platform receive instructions on how to enroll as creators and submit their data-packs, which are instantly minted and begin to live on-chain. Each creation, therefore, has a smart contract associated with it, enabling the identification of every instance a user chooses it to be part of a new Soundglyph. Furthermore, the author is rewarded whenever a transaction involving their creation is made.

The NFTs created embed the audio and video samples chosen by the user, along with the set of smart contracts, and can be put up for sale on Liquid Earth’s marketplace. Other users can purchase these NFTs and merge them with other Soundglyphs, opening the doors to an infinite universe of creative possibilities while always rewarding the original creator.


First collection by REM Visual Arts
Drop to be announced.